After The Fires: How You Can Help

The communities of Loma Mar, Pescadero, San Gregorio, Butano, and La Honda are facing tremendous damage and loss after the CZU August Lightning Complex Fires.

Lots of people are asking how to help, and there are many ways. Every effort adds up, whether it's a financial contribution, volunteering time, or donating goods.

Learn more about how you can help via the list below. We’ve done our best to link directly to fundraising pages where specific needs are listed.

Support For Evacuees, Farm Workers & Farms


Support Puente in finding temporary housing for displaced families and individuals.

Two Dog Farm

Donate to help rebuild their house and significant farm business infrastructure.

Corvus Farm

Help replace animals and secure equipment.

Help Farm Workers of Swanton Berry Farm

Help farm workers who have lost their homes or been displaced.

Green Oaks Creek Ranch

Donate to help rebuild their barn, replace infrastructure, tools, and personal belongings.

Pie Ranch

Donate to help the farm and displaced staff recover and replace the historic house that was burned.

Brisa de Ano Ranch

Donate to replace lost infrastructure and sign up to volunteer to clean up, rebuild, etc.

Lunaria Flower Farm

Donate to replace greenhouses, structures, tools, plants, and irrigation systems. Supplies (tools, irrigation, greenhouse supplies, etc.) are donations are also accepted.

Fire Departments

Loma Mar Fire Department’s Fundraiser

This fund will go a long way towards helping this all-volunteer fire service recover from this fire, and prepare for future ones.

La Honda Fire Brigade

Donate to this all-volunteer fire brigade. Donations make up 70% of their operating budget.

Recovery Resources

San Mateo County Community Resource List

Created for and by the community. List your needs or what you can offer.

San Mateo Resource Conservation District

At your invitation, the RCD will come to your property to provide site-specific technical assistance regarding erosion, roads, forest health, revegetation, creek issues, water quality, agricultural needs, some aspects of private water systems, and more. (They are not knowledgeable about structure damage). If needed, they will also try to connect you with grants, cost-share programs, and other technical and financial resources to heal your property. Contact Sheena Sidhu at to invite them.

We will continue updating this page. Thank you for your support - we’ll get through this together.


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SF Chronicle: The pandemic left this Loma Mar store nearly empty. A wildfire revived it.